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Monday, November 5, 2012

We, The Undersigned-Generals Support Romney

Today, 500 retired Generals published an Ad in the Washington Post. The ad can be seen here.

I found this interesting, that a group of top military brass such as these, decided to take an ad with their own money, to come out in open opposition to our Commander-in-chief. I also find it interesting that no media outlets seem to be covering this. You decide what this will and should mean to the election.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Get out and Vote

The election is right around the corner! It is one that will decide which direction the country will head in. It is important regardless of your state. Get out, and make your voice heard. This is a wonderful republic we live in , one with incredible freedoms. This is your time. Speak loud and clear on the direction you wish this country to go.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our Day of Independence

The American Idea

In the hot, harrowing summer heat of 1776 in Philadelphia, The Second Continental Congress of  the American Colonies, met to discuss a proposal that met with much opposition. 

Over a year earlier, a war had broken out with The Empire of Great Britain, sparked in part by a massacre in Boston that the citizens of the colonies would propagandize in support of a complete and total separation from their mother land. This was not an overnight swing in mentality. British figures were burnt in effigy in the colonies, stemmed at least in part by what  most historians would agree was tyrannical taxation, with no representation by a delegate for the colonies in British parliament. 

After the unpleasantness in Lexington and Concord, and five years after the bloody Boston Massacre, while subject to royal and parliamentary statutes that pail in comparison to current law, the Continental Congress still chose to seek out amicable peace with the Crown through an "Olive Branch" petition in which free wealthy land owners put their lives, fortunes, family, and dignity at risk to grovel in front of the King for help to alleviate. 

"...While these recent and honorable acknowledgments of their merits remained on record in the journals and acts of the august legislature the Parliament, undefaced by the imputation or even the suspicion of any offence, they were alarmed by a new system of Statutes and regulations adopted for the administration of the colonies, that filled their minds with the most painful fears and jealousies; and to their inexpressible astonishment perceived the dangers of a foreign quarrel quickly succeeded by domestic dangers, in their judgment of a more dreadful kind.

"Nor were their anxieties alleviated by any tendancy in this system to promote the welfare of the Mother Country. For 'tho its effects were more immediately felt by them, yets its influence appeared to be injurious to the commerce and prosperity of Great Britain."

- The Olive Branch Petition

The King all but refused to read the petition, and declared that the colonists had proceeded to "open and avowed rebellion". This ended any hope of reconciliation with the Crown, and over the next year, Congress would move slowly towards complete and total separation from Great Britain.

On June 7, 1776, Congress, acting on the Lee Resolution stating:

"these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved."

The Congress, however, voted 7 delegates to 5 (New York abstaining) for a recess to obtain new direction from their various State legislatures. Before the recess, a committee of five members was charged to draft a "Declaration of Independence" which sought to openly declare sovereignty from Great Britain, in an effort to open up diplomatic possibilities between America and the rest of Europe. 

Congress was again in session on July 1st, and began to edit the newly penned Declaration until it was finally in its complete form and adopted on morning of July 4th. 

As I contemplate, on this Independence Day, the very nature of our Republic, and how it was formed, I am still in utter awe of the American Dream. 56 rich land owners, armed with the dream of a new nation, challenged the greatest colonial superpower to open war, to form a country they would be proud to pass to their children. They risked all they had to stem the arm of oppression. I believe the American spirit stayed with us through Civil War, World War, and is as rampant today, as it was that hot summer day in 1776. 

The past year has been one of great change and turmoil for our nation, but let us never forget  that our Republic is a great thing. Our founders risked all they were, so that we would  have the right to settle our differences amicably through debate, and not through war. The American Idea is one of great possibility. 

Americans are constantly barraged by negative compaigns and news, so it is understandable the level of cynicism  that underlines our society. We should, however, take today to remember all who gave their lives in pursuit of the rights of all, endowed through our creator. America's greatness is not defined solely by the current GDP. It is defined by our hope, and the prospects of being able to change our family tree through that hope. I believe the great vigor of 1776 still lives today, in every American. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Improper Government Spending Practices

You have got to love the way our Government spends our money during this economic downturn. This in the wake of the Obama administrations call for citizens to shoulder their "fair share", by Obama's standards. As far as I am concerned, not one cent of tax hikes should be approved until there are wide spread audits of federal agency's spending practices.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chair Darrell Issa (R- Calif) says that this administration knew about this lavish conference spending scandal for months, but did not act. I cannot believe it was just the administration and not GOP and Dem leaders in congress. Both parties are culpable for the lack of control of spending practices in government, especially since they have not being able to pass a reasonable budget.

Anyone still in favor of tax hikes on citizens after you see how the government spends our money?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quick Follow Up: Health Care Bill Strong Majority?

I am glad to hear the justice system if standing up to the President's comments and ordering an explanation of his his challenge of their authority. This is not something to be swept under the rug.

To be clear, my last blogpost was to focus on the idea that the President seems to have that the Supreme Court  cannot and should not repeal the law, regardless on its rulling of the constitutionality of the law. The Supreme Court does have this power, and should if it decides it is unconstitutional. They would not be doing their job if they didn't, regardless of the hit it would take on the Presidents reelection campaign.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Health Care Bill Strong Majority?

 Does the President think that everyone in his audience is misinformed? A strong majority?  His healthcare bill passed 219 -212 in the house and 69-30 in the Senate. His statements about the judicial process are also quite concerning. Does the president believe our system of checks an balances to no longer be valid, hence resorting to vein threats to the justices of the supreme court? The Supreme Court exists to uphold constitutional law. If he believes his law to be constitutional , why is he so worried?

That being said, remember the states also have the power under the constitution to refuse any legislative enactments deemed unconstitutional.

"Article III, Section 2. U.S. courts have the power to rule legislative enactments or executive acts invalid on constitutional grounds. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Any court, state or federal, high or low, has the power to refuse to enforce any statute or executive order it deems repugnant to the U.S. Constitution. "

Folks, we should all be concerned about this level of arrogance. As I blogged about last week, this is the type of behavior aimed at unraveling the fabric of our great Democracy. The President is using his power unduly to try to support his special interest, to coerce the populace to support his reelection bid. This was shown last week in his misguided remarks about Trayvon Martin looking like the son he would have had. This is another comment, however innocent he may have thought it was, that riled up the masses, further supporting a movement that has convicted Tryvon's killer before a trial. Make no mistake about it, his murder was a absolute travesty, but we must follow the due process that our forefathers risked it all to establish.

Let us stand up together, and fight for our Freedom. Write to your Congressmen and let them know how you feel about these kinds of laws. Stay informed. Politics matters, and affects us all.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Arrogance In the Oval Office

Achieving the highest office in the land is an amazing feat for anyone. Many of us as children have the dream of achieving the Presidency. Its a great honor, and a privilege. That is why when Mr. Obama was quoted as saying "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility,", the arrogance struck me as quite appalling.

Let me be clear, my previous statement would be true regardless of political affiliation. I believe the president should maintain a "humble, but strong" demeanor at all times, especially in matters of international policy. Arrogance can be seen as a weakness.

"On all these issues, but particularly missile defense ... this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space," Obama said.

So are we saying, since this year is an election cycle, lets plan for nothing to get done through the office of the President? I don't understand this kind of arrogance, especially from someone who has been notorious for not being able to unite the parties behind his agenda. It took acts of political trickery to pass Healthcare, which polls show a majority of Americans would like to see repealed, and if now in review in the Supreme Court. He could not get the democrats to unit behind his "American Jobs Act". So where does such self assurance come from?

Regardless of if this is typical Washington politics, it is still the wrong attitude, and abuse of the office of the President.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A ten year journey for commercial space!

Last week marked the ten year anniversary of the Hawthorne, CA based Space Exploration Technologies. Founded on the realization that launch vehicles were prohibitively expensive to open up space technology and travel to  anyone besides large business, and countries, Mr. Elon Musk set out on a journey to challenge the status quo. The goal? Reduce the cost of a launch to < 1000$ a pound. This is the way SpaceX seeks to make life multi-planetary.

In late April, SpaceX will be seeking to launch and rendezvous its Dragon spacecraft with the International Space Station (ISS).  A vehicle traveling nearly 17,500 miles an hour in orbit over our heads. This is an incredibly complex task, one that SpaceX is seeking to do more cheaply then ever before, to service the astronauts aboard the orbiting laboratory.

It has been a long journey for commercial space, but the government has finally started to make this a possibility, stemming innovation in an industry that clings to heritage. Innovation is the key word. Thats how dreams are met. Thats how the hopes of yesterday become the realities of today, as Dr. Robert Goddard so notably quoted. Whether you believe commercial space to be the answer to opening up the last frontier or not, you should be inspired by the direction the aerospace companies are going. Remember the words of George Bernard shaw.

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."

 Make no mistake about it, the government is helping it happen by providing seed money for these technologies, competitively bid for, and allowing the companies to keep almost all rights to their products.

I will be covering commercial space in later blogs post as we get closer to the launch, but I wanted to post this today, as 60 minutes will be showing an episode highlighting what SpaceX is doing for commercial space, and for the country as a whole. Check it out tonight at 7 pm est.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Freedom of Speech, Religion, from DEBT?

I know that government spending has been a source of much debate on both sides of the political spectrum for a good bit of time, and often it seems like there is no middle ground that the  parties can seem to reach. That being said, I am going to step out and discuss something I know to be very politically sensitive, in hopes that it will spark some renewed thought on what it means to be fiscally responsible, both personally and politically. 

Personal financial responsibility has been something I have been feeling very convicted about of late, so I must say, I am not currently the model of what it means to be working and living to be free of the millstone of debt. Like many students today, I inherited a mortgage of student debt by the time I walked on that graduation stage to receive my diploma. At the time, the money I was borrowing seemed fake, like one day I would not be held accountable for paying it back. I was pretty ignorant to the burden it would cause me later in life. I do, however, believe my degree to have been worth the investment, I just could have been smarter about the way I approached paying for it. I could have also been more responsible with what I did with the money I had when I started to work. 

The thing about debt is, it really IS a burden. You end up becoming subservient to your debtors. Your life options narrow the more of it you have. I started to realize the truth to this in the past few months. There is so much good I want to do in this work, serving underprivileged nations, giving generously to those in need, and I realized debt makes all of this harder. I do tithe monthly, but without this debt, I would have much more resource in which to make a difference. I do believe in my heart in the old adage that money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does provide the wiggle room to be able to make more decisions on your terms, and gosh, wouldn't that be nice?

I have been starting to make a lot of headway against my debt recently, and found that the formula for getting/staying out of debt is behavioral and has roots in ideals you are taught when you are young. Some of these principles are: If you work hard you get paid, if you want to buy something you need to save enough to purchase it, if you don’t want to work you will not be paid, and if you don’t have enough for something, you better save more. It seems to me that staying out of debt becomes a matter of priority. If you want to purchase something, you better find the money for it from somewhere else, and that means conceding something else. Money doesn't just appear. It has to come from somewhere, and the supply of it is anything but endless. For a long time, I had no patience for waiting to have the money to purchase something, and I wracked up debt because of it. When you use a personal line of credit, and do not pay it, you are hit with penalties and interest. I had to realize, was that iPad I wanted so much worth the 499 + interest? Then, if I cant pay it, was it worth jeopardizing my ability to take out a line of credit on one of the only things I believe you should take credit out for, a home? 

As a country, we tend to view national debt differently then personal debt. We also tend to approach spending and deficit reduction, very differently then we would in our own lives. This can be a catastrophic mistake. 

This month, the Congressional Budget Office released an update to the outlook of the US budget, in which it was found that Obama's healthcare bill would cost around 1.76 trillion dollars between now and 2022 (that 176 billion dollars a year), a full 860 billion more then the President had originally projected. I could not help to think about what an absolutely absurd number this is, and what kind of priority we should assign to such a massive bill, in a time of economic instability. Is this really the place we should invest our money with the kind of deficit we have? Where will this money come from? What are we giving up to pay for this, or are we just increasing the debt burden for our children? The kind of out of control spending has happened before, during the great depression, disguised as providing for the general welfare. As a matter of fact, in the timeline of the depression the deficit reached 120 percent of the GDP during FDR, and with that an unemployment rate that touched 20 percent, and a top tax bracket of greater then 91 percent. Hardly seems like higher spending promoted the general welfare.

In 2009, the US Census Bureau found that 40.8 million US Residents, or 13.4 percent of the US population was without healthcare.1 This would mean that the US would spend 176 billion, nearly 5 percent of the 2012 authorized spending limit to provide healthcare to 13.4 percent of the population. 

It is important to note, however, that healthcare is different then health insurance, and everyone in the United States has the right, by law, to general healthcare, even those here illegally. 

As premiums start to rise in anticipation of this socialization of Healthcare due to the impending downgrade in reimbursement rates, the National Physicians Survey conducted a survey in 2011 that showed that physicians believe the quality of healthcare will decrease over the next 5 years, a whopping 3 to 1. It hardly seems intelligent to spend more taxes, for a lower healthcare standard.  A Rasmussen survey also showed that 53 percent of likely US voters are in favor of repeal of the Healthcare law. 2 Physicians tend to believe that the Obama Administration failed to seek sufficient consultation from the industry regarding his reform. With this much opposition to the Healthcare reform bill, I fail to see why the president continues to push for its implementation. I do believe the Government should provide a safety net program to help those who have fallen on hard times, but this bill provides a way of life, not a safety net, that offers little incentive for those out of work to continue looking for work within a reasonable period of time. A safety net program could be something we can do for a quarter of this cost, but there must be caveats that limit the use of such a program, as to prevent reliance. The government’s job is to promote, not provide for the general welfare, and a safety net program could be something we can afford, while allowing the government to fulfill its obligation to its people. Where are our spending priorities?

Much of the problem with lack of healthcare for US citizens is the very slow growth of the US economy, making it very difficult for those who are unemployed to find reasonable jobs that fit their qualifications. Although I disagree with President Obama’s 447 billion dollar American Jobs Act, (as I do not believe offering loans to companies will stimulate the economy nor job growth) and subsequent creation of additional bureaucracy associated with the American Infrastructure Financing Authority (AIFA), I believe that the best thing the US government can do is to invest in the future of America, is to invest in the private sector of major US industries such as energy, telecommunications, transportation, etc. The government should pull a good portion of the money associated with the new health care bill and put it into a US Technology Investment fund, in which the government would put out request for proposals for businesses to competitively bid  to receive seed money to develop new technologies desperately needed for the infrastructure of the United States. An example could be a sustainable energy contact focusing on finding better ways to power our cars (to reduce our dependency on petroleum based fuels). Offering such a contract, with a competitive nature, can stimulate innovation, and in turn, help to create jobs. We are seeing the American aerospace community continue to innovate under this kind of environment, and they are doing it for much less the government could possibly dream of doing themselves. It is important, however, for the IP that comes out of companies assisted by this kind of money to remain that of the company, and for the government not to over regulate them. This is a sure fire way to drive up cost.

Tax revenues are strongly linked to the stability of the economy, and the amount of people employed.  In 2009 tax revenues decreased by nearly 20 percent from income based taxes, while corporate tax revenues declined by nearly 50 percent.  With the US government investing in creating commercial jobs that address strong US needs, I believe tax revenues will start to increase again, and the percentage of those who are uninsured will begin to decline. The key is, make it easier for businesses to do business in the United States, offer incentive for innovation through competitive procurements.

The US government must learn to address the root cause of its debt crisis, and its out of control spending. This blog believes it lies in the exponential increase in the size of government, the continuous struggle of the economy, and a lack of true understand of the role of government in the lives of the people. Thomas Jefferson, in a 1791 letter to George Washington wrote about the general welfare clause in the preamble to the US constitution:

"To lay taxes to provide for the general welfare of the United States, that is to say, to lay taxes of providing for the general welfare. For the laying of taxes is the power, and the general welfare the purpose for which the power is to be exercised. They are not to lay taxes ad libitum for any purpose they please; but only to pay the debts or provide for the welfare of the Union. In like manner, they are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase, not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please, which might be for the good of the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please."

Thomas Jefferson was warning George Washington to the dangers of the "promote the general welfare clause" of such a phrase taken out of context of the rest of the document, and I believe this is what we are doing as a nation today. Taxation out of context of the constitution under the guise of promoting the general welfare is unconstitutional. 
The fact is, the US government takes in roughly 180 billion dollars, and spends 300 billion dollars a month. 120 billion dolar monthly increase in the national deficit should be a number, and a reality, that should absolutely transcend party politics. The only way to balance this number (or reverse it as would be necessary to decrease the deficit) is to increase revenues through increasing the amount of tax payers, and decreasing the size of government. We, as a nation, must learn to look back to the general principles we learn when we are young, that if we work, we get paid, and if we wish to purchase something, we must have the money. The continuous addition of government programs without cutting others to account for its cost, can no longer be tolerated. What are we teaching our next generation of children about what it means to be financially responsible? Would we teach them its ok to open a credit card so you can get everything you want, although you cannot afford it all? We must teach them what it means to be financially responsible, and the value of working to earn a dollar. This is one of the greatest gifts we can give the next generation. 

Below is a wonderful video from Senator Marco Rubio that I believe paints a perfect picture of the realities of the financial crisis we face, and the hard decisions we will soon have to make as a nation. I highly recommend watching. 

1. 2009 US Census Report: "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009" pp 22-28


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kony 2012

Growing up in a small rural town in the southern part of New Jersey, my parents always sought to give me the opportunities that they lacked as children. My parents worked hard, through job losses, to ensure a steady quality of life. I attribute much of my success today to their hard work and dedication. As a child in America, we often take advantage of the gifts we are endowed with, propagated by a free government, and strong family values.

In an age where child abuse seems to be becoming more prevalent (or is drawing more attention), it is difficult for me to understand how anyone could ever take advantage of a child. Their innocence seems to transcend the understanding of adults. Children rely on the guidance of strong figures in their life, and suffer greatly without it.

Recently, my girlfriend moved to the southern part of the African nation of Uganda to start work with a wonderful organization called Dorcas Widows. She had spent time there last year searching for something that seemed to be lacking deep down within the fiber of her being ; purpose. When she came home from Uganda in December of 2010, I could tell that something in her had been rejuvenated, like the desert after the first rain of the wet season. She had found a deep gladness in Uganda, one centered around working to provide the same steadiness to the children's live in Uganda that my parents had provided for me. The challenge she faces daily are deadly wide spread illnesses such as HIV, rampant poverty, lack of strong male role models to guide the children, and homes devastated by a senseless war that effected thousands of families. Her bravery and steadfastness are things to truly be admired. She gave up the idea of "Living the American Dream" to fight for those in need, to be a voice for the voiceless. It has not been easy for the both of us, but the reward is unquantifiable.

Before I show you some pictures of how life is lived in Uganda, I want you to think about any one child in your life, if its your own, a nephew or niece, or even a child you hope to have some day. Think about the love you have or  would have for such a child and how you would do anything to keep them safe. Now think of how you would feel if they were living in these conditions, alone and abandoned....

These are children. Children like you and I once were. Children as I hope to have one day. These are children with aspirations, that have lost their parents, have no money, and therefore no way of attending school (in many cases) to realize those dreams. Without a tangible skill to guide them, many of these children have little hope of escaping the self perpetuating cycle of poverty.

Matthew 25:40
"And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

Psalm 127:3 ESV
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."

Recently, a Southern California NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) called Invisible Children  has begun a world wide campaign to shine a light on one of the worst war criminals this planet has ever seen, Joseph Kony. They published a 30 minute video highlighting, briefly, their experiences in Uganda and why they are seeking to capture this man.

Joseph Kony is a brutal Ugandan Warlord who came to power in the early part of 1986 as the leader of a premillennialist group that sprang up in the wake of the Holy Spirit Movement in Uganda. His group would eventually become the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). The LRA built much of its military might by kidnapping and assimilating children from local villages into their movement through intimidation and promises for a greater Uganda. Kony would have the parents of the foot soldiers murdered, and would cut off the appendages of children (noses, ears, hands, arms) if they ever resisted.  Kony, although a polygamist, rapist and murder, claims to be fighting for the Ten Commandments. 

I have been utterly appalled by the recent backlash to the Invisible Children's Kony 2012 ad. I have seen numerous articles bashing the group, and thusly, directly their cause. The most prominent rebuttal seems to stem from  their financials (which the NGO openly posts on their site).  Whether you believe in their business model or not, their cause remains the same. Before you decide to try to destroy this group of men trying to make a difference by shining a light on these crimes against humanity, search for pictures of children effected by this man, and think of how you would feel if that was your child. By trying to destroy this organization, you are turning the spotlight away from the cause, which I think we can all agree is a very worthy one. If you dont believe in their financial model, you are very welcome not to donate to the cause, but I beg you, do not strip the voice from these children. 

To Invisible Children, I say well done. Stay steadfast. Continue to give these children, and this struggling country hope. 

If you have not seen their video, I have posted it below.

 It is good for you to note, before watching this video that Joseph Kony was in indicted in 2005 by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday

The ballots have been counted, and Super Tuesday has finally come and gone like a long anticipated holiday.

Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts Governor has emerged the victor, by a meager margin, on a day I think that most were hoping for the republican presidential pool to narrow. Now that each candidate has had their chance to speak, it would appear that Super Tuesday was not the decisive day for the front-runners in this important primary.
So why has such a well funded candidate like Mr. Romney, failed to produce the clear victories he was hoping for to date? I think that the Republicans voters are unclear about his convictions, and are not excited about the idea of 4 years of a Romney administration. He does not seem to inspire folks in rural areas, and would likely lose urban voters to Mr. Obama in the coming Presidential election.

Some will have you believe that the state of he political spectrum in Washington is following its normal pattern of ebbs and flows, and that the past 4 years are no different then other administrations in which the economy has gasped for life like a fish pulled out of the sea. Make no mistake about it, however. The next 4 years are going to be a time in which we, as a people, will need to decide what kind of country we would like to live in. Whether we believe in the programs Mr. Obama is trying to implement or not, what I think most of us can agree on is, like Social Security, once we go down this path, it will be very difficult to go back. So the question is, can we continue down this road as a nation, spending more then we earn, increasing entitlement, while decreasing incentives for hard work and success? I think we can all agree the answer is a resounding no. It’s how we move forward from our current state of our union that is in question. The question is, what is the role of the government in times of economic distress? Is it to promote, or provide for the general welfare? Mr. Obama will have you believe that it is the latter, and the Republican pool the former.

This is not a time for political apathy. This is too important. We must be well informed. We must vote on the ground of our principles, and on nothing else. It is a time to review what kind of America our forefathers envisioned for us, and decide if that is the kind of country we want to live in. I believe in a free country run on strong human convictions, where those with little, with hard work, can succeed. What kind of country do you want to live in?