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Monday, March 26, 2012

Arrogance In the Oval Office

Achieving the highest office in the land is an amazing feat for anyone. Many of us as children have the dream of achieving the Presidency. Its a great honor, and a privilege. That is why when Mr. Obama was quoted as saying "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility,", the arrogance struck me as quite appalling.

Let me be clear, my previous statement would be true regardless of political affiliation. I believe the president should maintain a "humble, but strong" demeanor at all times, especially in matters of international policy. Arrogance can be seen as a weakness.

"On all these issues, but particularly missile defense ... this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space," Obama said.

So are we saying, since this year is an election cycle, lets plan for nothing to get done through the office of the President? I don't understand this kind of arrogance, especially from someone who has been notorious for not being able to unite the parties behind his agenda. It took acts of political trickery to pass Healthcare, which polls show a majority of Americans would like to see repealed, and if now in review in the Supreme Court. He could not get the democrats to unit behind his "American Jobs Act". So where does such self assurance come from?

Regardless of if this is typical Washington politics, it is still the wrong attitude, and abuse of the office of the President.

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